Monday, December 14, 2009

Hard drive crashing = not fun

I rarely read any portion of anyone's blog post unless it has at least one picture. Here is a teaser pic of the birthday invites. My friend is editing the rest of the pics taken at the party and I hope to share them with you soon. 

The inside said..."Come celebrate with our little 'deer'..."

Now onto the babbling...

It's late (again)...really late (again). My laptop hard drive crashed earlier this week and I have been spending every night recovering files on my desktop. Needless to say, we bought a portable hard drive that will be my best friend from here on out. Fortunately, I lost very little due to my somewhat dilligent "backing-up" and several lucky saves to some memory cards. Take home message of the day: Back up your hard drive. Tomorrow! 
Anyway, I did a major rethink about my Etsy shop last night. It may or may not have involved a few tears. Who am I kidding? It did involve tears. I'm a developmental biologist and for crying out loud. What am I doing running an Etsy shop? I was feeling (and still feel) pretty out of my league. And it is crazy hard work, especially if you have a family to take care of. The decision of the night was to stay with it for awhile longer. It is frustrating and rewarding all at the same time. If nothing else I am learning about small business, photography, and marketing. All things I didn't know much about before.  

24 hours after my "rethink," I am feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. I have a multiplicity of family and friends who have supported me in my little endeavor. Including my husband and little munchkin. Anyone who reads my private blog knows I rarely drool over my family, so that little sentence is kind of a big deal.

Well, my mom and sister will probably kill me if I spend much longer on this blog since they are patiently awaiting a family post.

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